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GreeceBusinessTITAN Group signs grant agreement with EU Innovation Fund for IFESTOS carbon...

TITAN Group signs grant agreement with EU Innovation Fund for IFESTOS carbon capture project

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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TITAN Group signed a grant agreement with the EU Innovation Fund for the large-scale carbon capture project ‘IFESTOS’, the company announced on Monday.

One of Greece’s leading international business in the building and infrastructure materials industry, TITAN was selected in July in the context of the fund’s third call for large-scale projects.

The EU Innovation Fund will support TITAN’s IFESTOS decarbonization project with a grant of 234 million euros, to help accelerate the green transformation of the Greek building materials industry, and to play a pivotal role in promoting carbon capture technology across the continent.

This project “encapsulates our commitment to sustainability and innovation, forging a path toward a cleaner, greener, and more resilient future for the industry, in line with EU climate policy”, noted Aris Tsikouras, Director and IFESTOS Project Leader.

IFESTOS, an integral component of TITAN’s extensive decarbonization roadmap towards net zero by 2050, involves the construction of an innovative industrial-scale carbon capture facility at TITAN’s flagship Kamari plant near Athens, Greece.

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