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Greek CommunityCommunity OrganizationsTsivicos Unanimously Reelected AHEPA Supreme President

Tsivicos Unanimously Reelected AHEPA Supreme President

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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Larnaca, Cyprus — The Order of AHEPA held its annual Supreme Convention in Larnaca, Cyprus, this past week. Hundreds of delegates and officers flew across the Atlantic to bring necessary attention to the travesty that has largely been unresolved on the island nation since 1974.

Newly reelected Supreme President Savas C. Tsivicos, a native of the island, was quick to reference, “Cyprus has been left virtually unaddressed by the world community until recently. We look forward to the eventual resolution through the reunification of our homeland.”

The Supreme President was reelected unanimously on July 25, 2024, as were other members for the upcoming year. The 2024-25 Supreme Lodge officers for AHEPA are:

Supreme Vice President: E. Chris Kaitson
Canadian President: Emmanuel Constas
Supreme Secretary: Dr. Zenon Christodoulou
Supreme Treasurer: Themistocles Frangos
Supreme Counselor: Demetrios Kirkiles
Supreme Athletic Director: Chris Atsaves
Sons Advisor: Theodore Vittas
Supreme Governors:

Region 1: Steve Nicholson
Region 2: Aristides Bouloubassis
Region 3: Dean Moskos
Region 4: Alex Boutsioulis
Region 5: John Karipides
Region 6: George C. George
Region 7: Marshall Monsell
Region 8: George Zioulas
(Appointed) Region 10: Kostas Varsamis

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Additionally, the Order of AHEPA also held annual elections for other offices, which are voted upon annually. The AHEPA Board of Trustees members elected for a three-year term were Past Supreme President George G. Horiates and Lou Atsaves. The Board will have its first meeting in September in Washington for the District Governors Conference from September 20-22, 2024.

Craig Clawson was reelected to another three-year term on the AHEPA Board of Auditors.

As we conclude the week’s events, we look forward to the forward momentum created by the Supreme Lodge and elected members of AHEPA to propel our fraternity forward.

Photo Source; AHEPA


The copyrights for these articles are owned by the Hellenic News of America. They may not be redistributed without the permission of the owner. The opinions expressed by our authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Hellenic News of America and its representatives.

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