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Greek CommunityUNICEF’S International Children's Day Celebrated November 22 at Greece IHU University

UNICEF’S International Children’s Day Celebrated November 22 at Greece IHU University

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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By Catherine Tsounis

The young girl with beautiful, serious eyes on UNICEF’S World Children’s Day site is unforgettable. This child could be anyone’s precious family member. November 22, 2023, is a day of action for children by children. Children’s rights are under attack. A movement is on to build a better future for all.1

On 22nd of November, an educational occasion took place at the Department of Early Childhood Education and Care of the International Hellenic University (IHU). Dr Isaak Papadopoulos, Assistant Professor in Pedagogy and Literacy organized an unforgettable event to aid children’s rights in this turbulent era of war. International scholars shared their experience and knowledge on Children’s Rights online and in person at the IHU.

Prof. Maria Tsitiridou Evangelou, the Head of the Department, welcomed all the students to the event invited scholars for their willingness to contribute. Dr Isaak Papadopoulos offered a speech on the importance of Children’s Rights in Early Childhood Education and welcomed Dr John Siolas for a short opening greeting to the students. Prof. Emilios Solomou spoke on the promotion of Peace and Dialogue in Children’s Rights Education. Prof. Mary Koutselini referred to activities and techniques that can be applied. Prof. Smaragda Papadopoulou expressed her views regarding the use of Literature in Promoting Peace and Rights for Children. Dr Chrysoula Maggafa, focused on educational and pedagogical aspects of children’s rights and education for young children.

Dr. John G. Siolas. Photo by Catherine Tsounis

Students were provided with multiple opportunities to express their views and exchange their concerns. This event concluded with special small posters developed by the students.

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Dr John Siolas, Member of the Council of Education in Archbishop in America and Professor of Education at St John’s University said “Today we gather here to celebrate and highlight the great World Children’s Rights Day. It is a day that reminds us of the importance of protecting and loving children, but also of the need to work tirelessly for a world where every child will have the opportunity to flourish, develop their potential and live a happy life.

When we talk about children, we talk about our future. They are the ones who will lead our society, promote science, art, and innovation, create policies, care for our environment, and secure our common future. Therefore, their protection and care are our obligation and responsibility.”

Dr. Siolas continued “We cannot talk about children’s rights without referring to the right to love and protection. Every child should feel safe, know that there are adults who love, support, and protect them. Every child should have the right to express their opinions, decide for themselves and develop their own abilities. We must realize that many children in different parts of the world do not have the opportunity to enjoy these rights. Children living in poverty, children forced to work instead of going to school, children suffering from violence and abuse. It is our duty to act and fight these injustices.”

Dr. Isaak Papadopoulos. Photo by Catherine Tsounis

The scholar believes “We must join forces to create a world where children will not know hunger, fear, and insecurity. A world where they will have access to the education, health care and love they deserve. A world where they can dream and achieve their goals. Today, let’s pledge to work harder for the protection and well-being of children. Let’s take action to end child labor, violence, and child poverty. Let’s work to create a world where every child has the opportunity to flourish and be happy. Today, let’s let our hearts be filled with love for children and let’s commit to creating a world where every child lives with dignity, love, and happiness.”

Special appreciation to Dr. Isaak M. Papadopoulos for supplying information and photos.




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Dr. John Siolas” presentation

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