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GreeceCultureYoung Student Writes Brilliant Composition

Young Student Writes Brilliant Composition

Hellenic News
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by Aurelia


I want to share with readers of The Hellenic News of America a brilliant essay written by a friend of mine from Delphi. His name is George Stengos and he is currently living in my home town, Pittsburgh, PA., where he is awaiting word regarding acceptance to he Graduate School at Carnegie Mellon University.  George has applied for a double major in engineering and business administration. As a requirement for admission, he was asked to write an essay and he chose to write a composition using mainly English words with Greek roots.  It was a challenging exercise, especially since George just recently began his studies of the English language. I hope this essay brings you not only enjoyment, but a deeper appreciation of what Western Civilization owes to the beautiful Greek language.

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 As an articulate Greek speaker and writer, I find myself facing the apprehension that I cannot express my feelings and thoughts in a foreign language vividly and eloquently as is in my native tongue. I started studying English seriously only a year ago, and learning the English language –with the desire to conquer- has been a particularly challenging endeavour but has proven to be one of most rewarding achievements. In this essay, I decided to express my thoughts in English using mainly words of Greek origin, in order to evoke the great influence of the Greek linguistics in the Western civilization. You might be surprised at the abundance of Greek words in the English language but the reciprocal of this essay is that it made the process feel more familiar to me and helped me communicate my ideas more effectively.


“Dialects are as enigmatic and cryptic as a mythical dragon. Unlike any other didactic or pedantic method, which pyramids with energetic and emphatic techniques, dialects hypothecate gigantic and numerous periods of time. This typifies that, while one may decrypt the aorist phraseology or the synchronic terminology with dynamism in a short metronomic time, there are many who are more phlegmatic to do that. Lots of characters become acclimated with heterochthonous dialects, but philistines ones rarely do. For these idiotic pariahs of the cosmos, it is like a climax from the catastasis to the catastrophe, a deleterious tactic in their anomalous idiosyncrasy. We may hypothesize that, for the non barbarian’s apathy, this may seem monotonous and bathos. It is not hypocrisy, to say that dynamizing my proficiency – with a diploma – in the English terminology and phraseology, is a kudos that only my adamantine character will ever idolize, with a scandalous encomium, from a theoretical and axiological thesis.


In this allegoristic essay, Hellenic terminology is not only my political asylum; it is practically my esoteric adytum and my harmonic melody of my psyche; my archetype Ithaca; my utopia where I crystallize my ideas. In the bases of my hallucination and paranoid ideation, I am hypnotized from this prototype synthesis of chaos and pathos. I am magnetized from this despotic scholasticism of that ecstatic semantics, and that is why I had been stereotyped as an ascetic and ideally Arcadian, with a gnosis in a diametric and astronomic antithesis with the frenetic polyglot polyphony. That abysmal lethargy is more idyllic than bucolic and so I idealize the life of the anchorite and hermit who has been ostracized. I lobotomize myself to be asthmatic and allergic in any alphabet which consist of a genus of characteristics that are apocrustic and not apotelesmatic for my idealistic lotus-garden and the paradise of my canon and paradigmatic criterion. Nostalgically, I am not a heretic characterized by apostasy; rather, I am an apostle of semiotics who agonizes over every theory which morphs this palatial Hellenic syntax into a very general dyspeptic doctrine. It is like alchemizing a eulogy into an elegy. Even a megalomaniac acrobat who philosophates, could aphorize and anathematize this anticlimax.


The hoi polloi of the pseudo-academicians theorize about an unorthodox thesis -which energizes a pandemonium: that Hellenic terminology does not generate schemes of symbols. They make their pathetic and myopic criticism, which electrifies an unparalleled epic barometer of theorems, on the fact that this terminology is not as much an elastic rhetoric as many other. History has many pragmatic, yet charismatic, paradigms in the sphere of logomachy, so I diplomatically polemicize this eristic idea. Although it may seem a blasphemy that I martyrize my dialect, in fact I heroize it, and bring to it a general amnesty. Typically, it would be a tragic to vandalize this eleutheromania of semanticist’s etiology; emphatically, the most sophisticated of the exotic terminologies, do not have any egotistical narcissism -they demythologize this labyrinthine character of the Hellenic lexis. This is the epiphany that catechized us about the dynamism of a dialect which is not as mysterious as the colossal figure of sphinx.


As a catechumenal neophyte who is not biased, I was fantasizing a drastic dialect, which emphasizes to its non-ethnic monolithic grammar, and metamorphoses the exile’s metaphors and symbols into the proscenium of a pedantic dialect, with an eccentric irony analogous to an elliptical sarcasm. This analogizes the vertical axis which is in an ethereal geometry symmetrical to the acme of the Muse’s erotic poetry in systematic terms which is not an anachronism. Therefore, this would be an ambrosial phraseology, which epitomizes the characters, figures, and formulas, in a stoical panlogism. In order to synchronize and not syncretize my phobia and alexithymia, I systemize the idea of an iconoclastic and eccentric crystal-clear lexicon; hence we can schematically hybridize a paradox and anecdotal but not apocryphal dialect, which would be anatomized as both esthetical and economical, but not in a mimic and kleptomaniac way. I write all these, because I was never tantalized by the hellenization, never classicize my erratic phraseology and I never had cauterized this sarcastic dogma which would catalyze my optic. And this is why I empathize with my egotizing logorrhea even if stigmatizes me. Generally, it would be a parasitic sycophancy, of a fanatic acolyte and maniacal zealot with an anemic enthusiasm, to hype in order to phrase my paean.


My panegyric strategizes for the syllogism that we ought not to schismatize, but to synchronize the two terminologies in a strange amalgam of characteristics which harmonize this chasm. If we have to hierarchize the problem we first have to apotheosize the atrophic autonomy of the genesis of these terminologies and what it could be generates through this tactic and practice. Then we have to adonize this philoprogenitive and polygraphic syntax, without any amaurosis of our scope. I rhapsodize for this mosaic of symbols and I atomize to a symptomatic synergy, which symbolizes a scenario of a trilemma that is parallel to the impact of the Pandora’s Box. That dialect’s trilemma consisted in:


1) An authentic USE. In an isometric gnomon of logic that generates the ecstatic euphoria of panacea.


2) An apocalyptic MISUSE. Through the prism of an orphan acephalous phraseology.


or 3) A euthanasic EXTINCTION…


Synopsizing in my rather enthusiastic than apologetic epilogue, I will prognosticate that my terminology, which is based on the anamnesis of a byzantine but not hilarious skepticism, could not be ephemeral. Even if traumatizes and tyrannizes the dogmatic halcyon of the alethiology. My teleology would be not an archaic glossary or a regenerative anabiosis, but a mnemonic thesaurus; it can stomach and consequently it will be aeonian.”

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