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GreeceBusinessΤhe new minimum wage at 780 euros as of April 1 -...

Τhe new minimum wage at 780 euros as of April 1 – 9.4% increase

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis chaired a meeting οn Friday at the Maximos Mansion and announced that from April 1, the minimum monthly wage will increase to 780 euros. He pointed out that he has no illusions and knows that “this new increase obviously does not solve the problem. Certainly, however, it offers a very important relief and shows our intention to upgrade salaries, both in the public and in the private sector.”

“So from April 1, it will reach 780 euros from 650 euros in 2019. Which means that since that time, almost three additional salaries have been added annually to the income of approximately 600,000 workers,’ the prime minister said and added:

The new increase will obviously affect unemployment benefits and all the benefits associated with the minimum wage. The Minister of Labour will elaborate on all this in detail shortly.

“I have no illusions. I know, we know that in our country wages are still low, and they are further squeezed by imported inflation. It’s something I hear all the time, especially from young people who are struggling to make ends meet.

I want to emphasise that the final amount that has been agreed is at the upper limit of our capabilities. It is, however, within the capabilities of the businesses that – I want to remind – were so greatly supported by the Greek government during the pandemic.

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At the same time, the national economy remains in a strong growth momentum, unemployment is steadily declining, taxes are still being reduced. Now is therefore the time to support workers with a generous increase in the basic wage, because the dividend of growth must be reaped fairly by all.”


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