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GreeceBusiness25th International Greek Economy & Investment Summit in New York by CAPITAL...

25th International Greek Economy & Investment Summit in New York by CAPITAL LINK

Hellenic News
Hellenic News
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Featuring top US and International Investors, Global & Greek Companies,

 Global Investment Banks & Institutions, high-ranking Government Officials from Greece and the US


In a highly positive timing for Greece, Capital Link is organizing in New York the Annual International Summit about the Greek Economy & Investment Opportunities, featuring top US and International Investors, Global & Greek Companies,  Global Investment Banks & Institutions, high-ranking Government Officials from Greece and the US (4 Greek Ministers, 2 US Ministers) and 24 listed companies,  in co-operation with the New York Stock Exchange, the Athens Exchange Group (ATHEX Group), and major Global Investment Banks. For yet another year, the Forum is organized under the Auspices of the Consulate General of Greece in New York.

At the same time, with great pride, Capital Link is celebrating a milestone this year: the 25th anniversary of the longest running Investment Forum focused on Greece held abroad. Entitled “Accelerating Investments for Sustainable Growth,” the “Annual Capital Link Invest in Greece Forum” will take place on Monday, December 11, 2023, at the Metropolitan Club, in New York. The event is sponsored by top companies, and Goldman Sachs and TEN Ltd (Tsakos Energy Navigation) are the Lead Sponsors. This International Summit about Greece held in New York, has been taking place year after year, regardless of the political and economic conditions in Greece. With a 25-year track record of success, it has been engaged in a systematic effort to highlight Greece’s profile to a global business and investment audience.

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This year’s forum is particularly significant as Greece is heralding a new dawn of investments and entrepreneurship. Favorable political developments, strong economic dynamics, and attractive valuations have boosted investor confidence in the Greek market. Despite global challenges, Greece continues its journey towards modernization and stability, creating an environment conducive to foreign investments. Positive catalysts, such as the recovery fund, increased private investment, and the strengths of specific sectors like tourism and energy, ensure that the Greek economy is set for strong growth in the coming years. Greece has achieved a remarkable turnaround in view of the regaining of its investment grade status. It has already attracted a significant flow of US and international investments, a trend which is expected to accelerate given the county’s political stability, its growing economy, and its strategic geopolitical location. The Conference will provide a comprehensive overview of the country’s economic and investment landscape, highlighting its strategic position, business-friendly policies and sectors open for investment.

The Prime Minister of Greece, H.E. Kyriakos Mitsotakis, will open the Forum and deliver the Greek Government’s message to international investors, (via webcast).

Keynote Remarks by Greek Ministers: Minister of Economy & Finance, H.E. Kostis Hatzidakis, Minister of Infrastructure & Transport, H.E. Christos Staikouras, Minister of Environment & Energy, H.E. Theodore Skylakakis, Alternate Minister of Economy & Finance, H.E. Nikolaos Papathanasis.

Greek Government Officials:  Mr. Orestis Kavalakis, Governor of Recovery and Resilience Facility Coordination Agency – Ministry of Economy and Finance, Mr. Dimitrios Tsakonas, Director General – Public Debt Management Agency, Mr. Michael Arghyrou, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors, Mr. George Pitsilis, Governor – Independent Authority for Public Revenue, Mr. Vassilis Kontozamanis, Former Alternate Minister of Health, Mr. Nikolaos Thomopoulos, First Counselor for Economic and Commercial Affairs; Head – Greek Trade Office in New York.

US Government (US Department of State) Representatives: • Mr. Geoffrey R. Pyatt, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Energy Resources, and •Mr. Joshua Huck, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Southern Europe and the Caucasus.

European Central Bank will be represented by Ms. Elizabeth McCaul, Member of the Supervisory Board.

The Athens Exchange Group will be represented by Mr. Yianos Kontopoulos, CEO – Athens Exchange Group, and the Hellenic Capital Market Commission, by Dr. Vassiliki Lazarakou JSD, Chair – Hellenic Capital Market Commission.

The Forum is featuring the important participation of representatives from   the biggest Greek Banks: 1) Four Systemic Banks, Alpha Bank – Eurobank – National Bank – Piraeus Bank, 2) Attica Bank and Hellenic Development Bank, and from  the most important Global Investment Banks • Barclays • BNP Paribas • Goldman Sachs International • Morgan Stanley • Nomura • AXIA Ventures Group Ltd.

Participating speakers in investor panel: John Paulson and representatives from: BC Partners – Brookstreet Equity Partners • CVC • Hotel Investment Partners (HIP) • RWE Energy Transition Investments • Thrivest Holding.

24 Listed Companies will participate in a series of meetings with multiple foreign investors : Athens Exchange Group  – Aegean Airlines – Alpha Bank – Athens Water Supply & Sewage Company SA (EYDAP) -Attica Bank – AUTO HELLAS – AVAX Group – Cosmos Health, Inc. (NASDAQ: COSM) – Dimand S.A. – ELLAKTOR S.A. – Eurobank – GEK Terna Group – HELLENiQ ENERGY Holdings – Intrakat S.A. – LAMDA Development – MOTOR OIL Group  – MYTILINEOS  – National Bank of Greece  – Opap – OTE Group of Companies – Piraeus Bank – PRODEA Investments – Public Power Corporation – PPC – Trastor REIC.

During the Official Luncheon the Greek Minister of Economy & Finance, H.E. Kostis Hatzidakis, and Ms Peggy Antonakou, Regional General Manager Southeast Europe – Google, will deliver Keynote Remarks. Mr. John Tuttle, Vice Chairman – NYSE; President – NYSE Institute, and Dr. Nikolas P. Tsakos, Founder & CEO – TEN Ltd, will deliver Welcome Remarks.

The Forum concludes with an Official Dinner during which the “2023 Capital Link Hellenic Leadership Award” will be presented to Mr. Nikos Stathopoulos, Chairman of Europe & Member of the Management Committee – BC Partners, for his outstanding contribution to Greece: his significant involvement and positive impact on Greece and the Greek economy with his active investment participation. The Greek Minister of Economy & Finance, H.E. Kostis Hatzidakis will deliver Introductory Remarks. The Ambassador of Greece to the USA, H.E. Ekaterini Nassika, and Mr. Joshua Huck, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Southern Europe and the Caucasus – U.S. Department of State, will deliver Keynote Remarks. Ms Nicole Petallides, Host – Schwab Network; Former Anchor – FOX Business Network, will be the Master of Ceremonies.

On Tuesday, December, 12, 2023, within the context of the “25th Annual Capital Link Invest in Greece Forum”, the New York Stock Exchange in cooperation with Capital Link organize a special ceremony honoring the “Greek American Issuer Day at NYSE”, during which Greek & Greek American companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange will ring the “Closing Bell” – at NYSE-New York Stock Exchange.




IN COOPERATION WITH: New York Stock Exchange – NYSE & Athens Exchange Group (ATHEX Group)

UNDER THE AUSPICES: του Γενικού Προξενείου της Ελλάδος στη Νέα Υόρκη


Lead Sponsors: Goldman Sachs • Tsakos Energy Navigation – TEN Ltd., has been Lead Sponsor for the last 15 years.

Gold Sponsors: Barclays • BNP Paribas • EY • Nomura

Grand Sponsors: Alpha Bank • Attica Bank • AXIA Ventures Group Ltd. • Cosmos Health • Eurobank • EUROXX Securities SA. • Google • HELLENiQ Energy • Morgan Stanley • National Bank of Greece • Piraeus Bank • Qualco Group • Reed Smith • Watson Farley & Williams

Sponsors: Aegean Airlines • AKL Law Firm • Ambrosia Capital • AVAX Group • Bernitsas Law • Brookstreet Equity Partners • D.C. CHRISTOPOULOS & PARTNERS LAW FIRM • Eldorado Gold • ELLAKTOR S.A. • ENTERPRISE GREECE • Fortsakis, Diakopoulos & Associates Law Firm • GEK TERNA Group of Companies • Hellenic Development Bank • Hill International • Intrakat Group • JLL – Athens Economics • Koutalidis Law Firm • Lambadarios Law Firm • LAMDA Development • LIBRA GROUP • Machas & Partners Law Firm • Milbank • MOTOR OIL Group • MYTILINEOS S.A. • OTE Group of Companies • PotamitisVekris • Public Power Corporation – PPC • Saplegal – A.S. Papadimitriou & Partners Law Firm • Savills Hellas

Supporting Sponsors: DECA Investments • Dimand SA • EYDAP – Athens Water Supply & Sewerage Company SA • Elikonos Capital Partners • Flott & Co. PC • GravityBreath Pictures • Halcyon Equity Partners • OPAP S.A. • PRODEA Investments • Trastor REIC • VK PREMIUM Business Growth Consultants

Global Shipping Companies – Supporting Sponsors:

  • Castor Maritime Inc. (NASDAQ:CTRM) • Diana Shipping (NYSE. DSX) • Dorian LPG (NYSE:LPG) • EuroDry Ltd (NASDAQ: EDRY) • Euroseas Ltd (NASDAQ: ESEA) • Navios Maritime Partners L.P. (NYSE: NMM) • Onassis Group • Pyxis Tankers • Seanergy Maritime Holdings Corp. (NASDAQ: SHIP) • Tsakos Energy Navigation – TEN Ltd (NYSE: TNP) • United Maritime (NAsDAQ. USEA)

Supporters: BC Partners • Blueground • BrainReGain • CVC • Delsona Therapeutics • ESED (the Greek Corporate Governance Council) • Hotel Investment Partners (HIP) • Microsoft • Pfizer • Red Apple Group • RWE Renewables Hellas • RWE Energy Transition Investments

Breakfast Sponsor: Castor Maritime

Coffee Sponsor: Seanergy Maritime

Cocktail Reception Sponsor: Navios Maritime Partners L.P.

Dinner Sponsor: Onassis Group


UNDER THE AUSPICES: of the Consulate General of Greece in New York • Greek Trade Office in New York – Consulate General of Greece in New York

  • AHEPA • AHI – American Hellenic Institute • Cyprus – US Chamber of Commerce • EMBCA – The Eastern Mediterranean Business Culture Alliance • Endeavor • European American Chamber of Commerce, New York • EFM – European Financial Management Association • HABA – Hellenic American Bankers Association • Hellenic American Chamber of Commerce • HLA – Hellenic Lawyers Association • HMS – Hellenic Medical Society of New York • HPW – Hellenic Professional Women Inc. • HAWK – Hellenic American Women’s Council • Leadership 100 • World Hellenic Inter-Parliamentary Association (PADEE-WHIA) • The Hellenic Initiative


Official TV Media Partner: MEGA TV

Digital News Media Partner – ΑΠΕ: Athens – Macedonian News Agency

Greek Print & Digital News:

  • – ΤΑ NEA – –
  • co.UK • Banking News • World Energy News

Greek American Media:

  • Εθνικός Κήρυξ – The National Herald
  • Αναμνήσεις • Cosmos FM 91.5 NY • Hellas Journal By Mignatiou.Com • Hellenic DNA • Hellenic News of America

Greek American Supporting Television Partner: New Greek Television

International Media Greek Reporter


For further information, please contact:

NEW YORK // Ms Olga Bornozi & Ms Eleni Bej

Tel.: +1 212 661 75 66 – Email : [email protected] ; [email protected]

ATHENS // Ms Victoria Tsoukala & Ms Athena Kosmadaki

Τηλ. +30 210 6109800

Email : [email protected] ; [email protected] ;

Or visit:



Founded in 1995, Capital Link is a New York based investor relations, financial communications, and advisory firm with a strategic focus on the maritime, commodities and energy sectors, MLPs, as well as Closed-End Funds and ETFs.  Based in New York City, Capital Link has presence in London, Athens & Oslo. The company is a member of the Baltic Exchange and works very closely with the New York Stock Exchange, NASDAQ and the London Stock Exchange as well as with major international and supranational organizations and industry associations in the areas of the firm’s strategic concentration. 

Capital Link offers a full suite of services including strategic and corporate advisory, investor relations, media relations, public and industry relations and the organization of corporate events. Capital Link’s proactive approach integrates Investor Relations, Information Technology and Media, enhancing awareness and branding for our clients through tailored outreach programs targeting analysts, institutional and individual investors and the financial media complemented by extensive and uniquely powerful marketing platforMs

Capital Link is also known for the organization of 18 top-level investment and industry forums, Webinars and Podcasts, the majority of which focus on maritime transportation and U.S. investment products, in 10 countries in Europe, the United States and Asia, in key industry centers, such as New York, London, Oslo, Hamburg, Athens, Limassol, Shanghai, Singapore, Tokyo and Hong Kong, featuring industry leaders focusing on investment strategies, sectors, critical topics of interest to the investment community that draw the elite of the global financial, investment and business communities. Capital Link holds about 18 forums annually focusing on the areas of its strategic concentration. 

The Capital Link brand is widely recognized and valued worldwide by participants in these communities for combining rich informational and educational content with as well as superior networking opportunities with a global marketing platform that enhances the visibility and reach of these events on a global scale that lasts well beyond the date on which each event is held, becoming a continuous reference point for market participants.

 Capital Link’s efforts have been recognized in 2023 by HABA – Hellenic American Association for Professionals in Finance, in 2018 by the Finance Monthly CEO Awards, in 2016 by the Wealth & Finance Magazine – by the International Propeller Club of the United States and by AHI-American Hellenic Institute, in 2013 and 2012 by the InterContinental Finance Magazine, and also in 2011 by the Lloyds’s List Greek Shipping Awards.


The copyrights for these articles are owned by the Hellenic News of America. They may not be redistributed without the permission of the owner. The opinions expressed by our authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Hellenic News of America and its representatives.

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