Saturday, August 31, 2024

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Home 33rd Annual Cyprus Conference Features Cyprus President, White House Chief of Staff and Influential Senators and Members of Congress L-R: Panayiotis Hadjipantelis, Dr. Petros Kareklas, Congressman Charlie Crist, His Grace Bishop Christoforos of Karpasia, Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, Victor Hadjiavraam

L-R: Panayiotis Hadjipantelis, Dr. Petros Kareklas, Congressman Charlie Crist, His Grace Bishop Christoforos of Karpasia, Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, Victor Hadjiavraam

L-R: Panayiotis Hadjipantelis, Dr. Petros Kareklas, Congressman Charlie Crist, His Grace Bishop Christoforos of Karpasia, Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, Victor Hadjiavraam

Minister of Greek Parliament Harry Theocharis and Senator Ben Cardin
L-R: Philip Christopher, Christianna Kontou, Fred Turner, Andy Manatos