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Greece35,9 million euros for solidarity actions in Greece

35,9 million euros for solidarity actions in Greece

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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Resources of the EU Solidarity Fund amounting to a total of 35.9 million euros, were approved by the European Commission for Greece, helping to repair damage from three cases of natural disasters, as well as to deal with the pandemic.

More specifically, as announced by the Ministry of Development and Investment, following its substantiated requests, the new funding approved are:

• 3.3 million euros for the restoration of damage from the floods in Evia in August 2020.

• 21.6 million euros for the restoration of damage from the Mediterranean cyclone “Ianos” that hit the Regions of the Ionian Islands, Western Greece, Thessaly and Central Greece in September 2020.

• 2.5 million euros for the restoration of damages from the earthquake of Samos in October 2020.

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• € 8.5 million to deal with the pandemic.


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