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GreeceBusiness50 Great Greek Wines: Greek wine promotion event in London under the...

50 Great Greek Wines: Greek wine promotion event in London under the auspices of GNTO

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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A special event entitled “50 Great Greek Wines (50 GGW) Goes Big in London”, took place on May 29 in London, under the auspices of the Greek National Tourist Organisation (GNTO).

The organiser was the Greek Master of Wine (MW), Yannis Karakasis, and it was attended by 33 wineries from the Greek side and by the UK’s leading wine connoisseurs and sommeliers, representatives of wine import companies, wine journalists and influencers specialising in gastronomy, wine tourism and trips.

The purpose of the event was to promote Greek wines to a targeted audience in the British market, in order to give a recognisable identity to Greek wine producers and at the same time to highlight the enriched Greek tourist product.

During the event, guests had the opportunity to taste wines from the list of 50 GGW and additional labels from the portfolio of each producer, while at the same time they were informed about the numerous experiences offered by wine tourism in Greece all year round.


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