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GreeceKasselakis on European election result: I will build the government's alternative proposal

Kasselakis on European election result: I will build the government’s alternative proposal

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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“The alibi of the 41% is over,” SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance leader Stefanos Kasselakis said on Sunday in his statements about the result of the European elections and added that he will continue his course to build an alternative government proposal.

In his statement outside the party offices, he thanked the people of SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance for their struggle over the last weeks and added: “We are a party that has been through a lot after the double painful defeat last year. We went through two splits until we reached the only European ballot which was chosen by society itself. And that is why all friends and all members of SYRIZA should be very proud of themselves.”

“This is the first step. The first step for a party that develops and changes, and a new person, unknown in this country, who came here, stands before you and is able to bring progress, change and meritocracy to our country,” he noted.

The Greek people have clearly given me the time to build an alternative government proposal, Kasselakis said and added: “I know and fully realize the importance of this responsibility, and this is exactly what I will do, as we said before the election. We continue, we modernize, we will set up cradles of knowledge and offer and we will inspire the world. And this movement, which despite the adverse conditions showed resilience, can only go up from here on. And I am very proud of each and every one of you.”


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