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Featured Greek NewsMichael Tannousis: Championing Justice and Community Service in Staten Island

Michael Tannousis: Championing Justice and Community Service in Staten Island

Hellenic News
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By Aphrodite Kotrotsios


Assemblyman and former Assistant District Attorney of Staten Island, NY, Michael Tannousis, has a career rooted in a profound sense of justice and public service. His journey is a testament to the power of personal experience in shaping a dedication to community and law enforcement.

A Journey Inspired by Injustice

Michael Tannousis’s career was profoundly influenced by his family’s history. As refugees from the 1974 invasion of Cyprus, his parents lost their homes and were forced to relocate. This personal history of injustice fueled his desire to seek justice for those who cannot protect themselves. This motivation led him to become an Assistant District Attorney, a role in which he took great pride. In 2019, changes to New York’s criminal justice system made residents more vulnerable to crime, prompting him to run for the Assembly. He aimed to bring his extensive experience to the legislature and contribute to the criminal justice discourse.

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Hellenic Roots and Community Service

His Cypriot heritage instilled in Michael Tannousis a deep appreciation for public service. He sees contributing positively to his community as the highest honor. His background has profoundly influenced his approach to governance and community representation.

Legislative Priorities

Michael Tannousis’s primary legislative goals focus on making New York safer and more affordable for young families. He believes that ensuring safety and affordability are crucial for the well-being of his constituents in Staten Island, NY.

Balancing Law and Justice

He emphasizes that the criminal justice system has mechanisms to ensure fairness and justice for all. However, he notes that some people misconstrue fairness as favoring defendants over victims or the general public. He stresses the importance of preventing individuals from committing violent acts by not giving them the opportunity to do so.

Formative Experiences as an Assistant District Attorney

His tenure as an Assistant District Attorney in both Staten Island and the Bronx provided him with many significant experiences. Two notable cases include the successful retrial of the Ramada Inn murders and the successful trial of a double homicide in the Dongan Hills neighborhood of Staten Island. These cases reinforced his commitment to seeking justice for victims and their families.

Necessary Reforms for Public Safety

Michael Tannousis advocates for restoring judicial discretion in the criminal justice system to protect communities adequately. Providing judges and prosecutors with the right tools is essential for ensuring public safety.

Advocacy for Diverse Communities

Representing a district of immigrants from various parts of the world, he is dedicated to fighting for their fair treatment by the government. Many of his constituents have fled armed conflict or repressive governments to seek a better life in the United States. His role is to ensure they can achieve the American dream despite laws that may negatively impact their quality of life.

Addressing Broader Societal Issues

He believes the state government should make life easier for taxpayers, enabling them to work and raise families in New York. He acknowledges that New York has become less safe and affordable in recent years, leading many residents to move to more affordable states. As legislators, he and his colleagues must reverse this trend and incentivize people to stay in New York.

Collaborative Efforts with Elected Officials

Michael Tannousis values his strong working relationship with local elected colleagues, including Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis, who he succeeded in the Assembly. They collaborate on various initiatives, such as fighting against congestion pricing. He has introduced a bill in the Assembly to repeal congestion pricing at the state level, while Congresswoman Malliotakis has introduced a similar bill in Congress at the federal level.

Future Goals and Priorities

Looking ahead, Michael Tannousis’s goals and priorities include continuing to fight for his constituents and the taxpaying residents of New York State. He aims to stop the growing trend of people fleeing the state and work towards making New York a safer and more affordable place to live.


From his roots in Cyprus to his significant roles in law enforcement and the legislature, Michael Tannousis’s journey is marked by a commitment to justice and community service. His dedication to his constituents and his efforts to improve public safety and affordability reflect his unwavering resolve to make a positive impact in Staten Island and beyond.

The copyrights for these articles are owned by the Hellenic News of America. They may not be redistributed without the permission of the owner. The opinions expressed by our authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Hellenic News of America and its representatives.

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