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GreecePM Mitsotakis to meet President Erdoğan on the sidelines of NATO summit

PM Mitsotakis to meet President Erdoğan on the sidelines of NATO summit

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis is expected to meet with President of Türkiye Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Wednesday, on the sidelines of the NATO summit in Washington. According to government sources, the meeting is expected to take place at 16:00 local time.

The prime minister’s programme while in Washington for the NATO summit on Wednesday is as follows:
At 11:30 local time, the prime minister will grant an interview to Nadia Schadlow, a member of the Hudsom Institute and former deputy U.S. national security advisor, in the framework of the NATO Public Forum.
Mitsotakis will next participate in the first day of the NATO summit.
At 16:00 local time, the Greek premier with meet Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and at 19:30 he will attend a dinner given in honour of the visiting heads of state and government by U.S. President Joe Biden and the First Lady, Jill Biden.

During his visit in the U.S. capital on Tuesday, Mitsotakis had meetings with the Majority Leader of the United States Senate Chuch Schumer and U.S. Senator Chris Coons.

According to government sources, they discussed Greek-U.S. relations and Greece’s role as a pillar of stability and security in the region, as well as the latest developments in Ukraine and the Middle East.


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