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Greek CommunityRemembering A Mentor to University Students: Rev. Dr. Robert G. Stephanopoulos

Remembering A Mentor to University Students: Rev. Dr. Robert G. Stephanopoulos

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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By Catherine Tsounis

Dr. Robert G. Stephanopoulos, a respected University professor and Greek Orthodox priest, passed away on June 19, 2024. As his 40-day Greek Orthodox memorial service approaches, many people remember his significant impact on the university where he taught Eastern Orthodoxy for many years in Queens, New York.

Demetrios P. Sassos, PharmD, recalls, “Rev. Dr. Stephanopoulos was my professor during my first year in the course ‘Introduction to Orthodoxy.’ He was a very interactive, motivating professor, loved by all. I am now a second-year student in the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Diaconate Program. I cannot say enough about the Eastern Orthodox course Father Robert taught. A gifted teacher, Father Robert inspired us to learn about our faith. His instruction was priceless and remains with me.”

“I remember Father Robert as being warm and approachable,” said Despina Siolas, MD/PhD. “He was always willing to meet often, giving advice on theological and political issues. Father Robert was my spiritual advisor.”

George Stephanopoulos receiving his honorary Doctor of Laws degree from St. John’s University Law School, May 21, 2007. Photo by C. Tsounis

Dr. John G. Siolas, his university colleague, remembers “working with Father Robert with intense friendship. He was loved by many students. In addition, he served as a priest at the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral in New York City. We were patriotes (fellow patriots) from the Peloponnese, Greece. Our bonds extended for a lifetime of educational collaboration.”

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Father Robert and his late wife, Presvitera Nikki, were supportive of my community service over the years. When I taught Modern Greek from 1997 to 2010, Father Robert was always there for support. God, country, and Hellenism were integral parts of his identity. Father Robert and Presvitera Nikki were united in this purpose, working as a team. We will all miss this dynamic, loyal couple.

Rev. Dr. Robert G. Stephanopoulos, Ph.D., was honored for his outstanding teaching at St. John’s University in Jamaica, New York, by our program. The award ceremony took place at the 2nd Annual Evening of Greek Culture and Cuisine on Friday evening, October 13, 2006, in Marillac Terrace of Marillac Hall. Rev. Dr. Stephanopoulos has shaped the lives of generations of students.

George Stephanopoulos with Despina Siolas, Father Robert’s former student of Eastern Orthodoxy Theology course, May 21, 2007 Photo by C. Tsounis

A historical event took place in America on May 13, 2007: the commencement address by Rev. Stephanopoulos and George Stephanopoulos at St. John’s University. The following article “Viewpoint: Rev. Robert and George Stephanopoulos’ Honorary Degrees at STJ 2007 Commencement” was printed in the Queens Gazette, when 19,000 people attended the commencement.

“The achievements of a few reflect on the whole. Aristotle Onassis’ marriage to Jackie Kennedy in the mid 1960’s provided a favorable climate for the rise of the Greek American community in America. A brilliant Father and son created history on Mother’s Day at the Commencement Exercises of the largest Catholic University system in the United States. George Stephanopoulos, ABC Chief Washington Correspondent delivered the 2007 Commencement address at the 137th St. John’s Commencement Exercises in Jamaica, New York. Nineteen thousand people were present. Rev. Robert G. Stephanopoulos, Dean of the Holy Trinity Cathedral in New York City, received an Honorary Doctor of Sacred Theology degree. Father Robert has shaped the lives of college students for twenty years through his Eastern Orthodoxy course.

George Stephanopoulos received an honorary Doctor of Laws degree from St. John’s University Law School. The commencement exercises were well organized with outstanding public safety. During the honorees press conference, Father Robert expressed his gratefulness “for the privilege granted to George and I from St. John’s University, which I consider to be an excellent school.” The university has the highest concentration of Greek American college students in the United States. They are primarily enrolled in the School of Pharmacy, Business, Education and Liberal Arts Colleges.

Presvitera Nikki Stephanopoulos, the outstanding Greek-American Mother of a unique son and wife of an internationally known priest, May 21, 2007. Photo by C. Tsounis

Prominent persons of all backgrounds and professions attended this event to honor two extraordinary men. Father Robert, in his press conference, made heartfelt comments about his former student, Despina Siolas. He explained that “one of the high points of my education career was teaching Despina, who is moving ahead and up into the stratosphere.”

We all know Father Robert Stephanopoulos on SJU’s campus. He is a low key professor with a melodious voice, trying to motivate all in learning about Eastern Orthodoxy. “I am a tough grader,” he often says. “Students must work in my class.” College youth have been attending his classes for twenty years, enjoying his energetic style of lecturing. He is loved and respected. The Eastern Orthodoxy class exists because of his dedication for a minimal salary, traveling from New York City twice a week to share his philosophy with all. He enjoys sharing his views and socializing with other professors in a casual manner. Father Robert is supportive of Dr. Asher Matathias’ views on the Greek Jewry of Volos, Greece and the expansion of the SJU Modern Greek Language and Literature Program.

Presvitera Nikki Stephanopoulos was the real person honored on Mother’s Day. Her husband and son’s unique honor at the SJU Commencement exercises was a reflection of her dedicated work to her family, Greek Orthodox Church and country. The Greek American community was uplifted before mainstream America by the honoring of the incredible careers of Rev. Robert Stephanopoulos and George Stephanopoulos.



Photo by C. Tsounis

The copyrights for these articles are owned by the Hellenic News of America. They may not be redistributed without the permission of the owner. The opinions expressed by our authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Hellenic News of America and its representatives.

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