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GreeceBusinessThe Greek Extroversion Strategy was presented

The Greek Extroversion Strategy was presented

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis described exports as a “mirror of a competitive economy”, speaking this afternoon at the presentation of the National Strategic Extroversion Plan, and pointed out the significant increase in Greek exports amid a pandemic.

“The significant increase in exports – through a pandemic – is the best proof that exports are the mirror of a competitive economy. “Because competitiveness is the other side of extroversion”, Kyriakos Mitsotakis specifically emphasized.

He added that “we can not conquer foreign markets if we are not competitive and obviously the competitiveness of Greek products puts more emphasis on advantages that have to do with quality and less, possibly, on issues that have to do with costs.”

The Prime Minister stressed that “extroversion means the creation of wealth that spreads throughout Greek society, to all Greek women and all Greeks” and added that this is the draft of the overall economic policy of the government, as presented at the Thessaloniki International Fair.

“Development for all and for all by reducing social inequalities, with more opportunities for those who need it most, with more and better paid jobs in competing sectors, with the ability to reach out to young children who have gone abroad and to tell them: “Come, return to Greece, trust our Homeland and trust your future in our homeland, because now we can offer you many and well-paid jobs” “said Mr. Mitsotakis.

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Referring to the attractiveness of Greece as an investment destination and foreign investment, the Prime Minister pointed out the long-term potential for value creation that investors see, because Greece has entered – as he said – a trajectory of dynamic growth, with a stable fiscal situation.

“Foreign investors see in Greece long-term opportunities to create significant goodwill. Why is this happening; Because our country has entered a trajectory of dynamic development with a stable fiscal situation. “A country that borrows at the lowest interest rates in its history, a country that has faced through a series of structural reforms important issues concerning the competitiveness of the Greek economy,” said Mr. Mitsotakis.

Also present at the presentation of the National Strategic Plan for Extroversion were Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias, Undersecretary of State for Economic Diplomacy and Extroversion Costas Frangogiannis and Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Foreign Affairs.


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