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GreeceBusinessGreek FinMin welcomes EU Commission's spring forecasts report

Greek FinMin welcomes EU Commission’s spring forecasts report

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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The European Commission’s spring forecasts “confirmed the resilience and dynamism of the Greek economy and highlight the efficiency of the government’s economic policy,” Greek Finance Minister Christos Staikouras said on Monday, commenting on the release of the spring economic forecast report by the European Commission.

Staikouras said he was certain that despite the turmoil, the Greek economy could move towards an environment of high and sustainable growth, creating more new job positions and strengthening of social cohesion. He added that the Commission’s forecasts showed that Greece was European champion in investments in the period 2021-2023, with double-digit growth rate for 2022, while unemployment continued falling.

The inflation rate is high but around the European average, with the Commission stressing that government support measures, a significant increase in minimum wage and higher deposits during the pandemic crisis eased inflationary pressures on households’ available income.

The Greek Finance minister said that the new crisis did not seem to derail the economy and stressed that “with consistency, determination and confidence in our powers we continue the demanding but upward road we have drafted”.


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