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GreeceEleven under investigation for financial management of 'Kivotos tou Kosmou' charity

Eleven under investigation for financial management of ‘Kivotos tou Kosmou’ charity

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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Public prosecutor Ioannis Sevis, who is handling the investigation into the finances of the child welfare charity “Kivotos tou Kosmou” (Ark of the World), has instructed the Financial Police to carry out an in-depth audit of the charity’s financial affairs, as well as to investigate 11 individuals highly placed in the organisation or linked to the founder, Father Antonios Papanikolaou, and his wife.

Sevis has asked for a preliminary investigation into whether there is evidence that any of four serious financial crimes have been committed, including embezzlement, breach of faith, tax evasion and money laundering. The investigation will also look into whether the charity has received any form of state or European funding.

The police have been ordered to open the accounts of “Kivotos” and the 11 individuals under scrutiny, among which are Father Antonios, his wife, close family members of the couple and people who have occupied senior positions in the NGO, as well as any credit cards, shares or other financial assets that can be traced to them.


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