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GreeceBusinessWork equality in Greece still lags behind, SEV survey shows

Work equality in Greece still lags behind, SEV survey shows

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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Working women in Greece are paid less, have lower representation in executive positions and still face a number of stereotypes in their jobs, a survey by the Federation of Hellenic Enterprises said on Thursday.

More specifically, the survey showed that the average gross wage of a full-time job for women was 1,115 euros, 13% less than men (1,284 euros), a 53% of enterprises have a zero or very limited (up to 15%) women participataion in their boards, while an 11% does not trust a woman in charge in any department of an enterprise.

The survey, which was presented to the general assembly of the Federation, also showed that 9 out of 10 enterprises agreed that sex equality was very important, although an 83% have no specific targets, nor they followed any specific indices on equality. Women account for 51.7% of the population and 47.6% of total workers in the country (2022 figures), but they have a significantly higher rate of unemployment (64.2%).

Dimitris Papalexopoulos, president of the Federation, said it was extremely important to support enterprises and to offer the necessary tools to help them realize that the equality issue was a factor of survival, development and establishing a relation of trust with society.


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