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GreeceBusinessECONOMIST: AI-enhanced platform to go live soon, says e-Governance Min Papastergiou

ECONOMIST: AI-enhanced platform to go live soon, says e-Governance Min Papastergiou

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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A new version of the online public services platform enhanced by artificial intelligence will go live in approximately 20 days, Digital Governance Minister Dimitris Papastergiou announced at the 27th Annual Economist Government Roundtable in Athens on Wednesday.

Using an AI chatbot, the new will be able to handle people’s requests faster, more accurately, and will interact with users more efficiently, added the minister. The next level in how operates is to shift entire blocks of data as opposed to just digital documents, he noted.

The minister also mentioned again the online platform ( on which more than 120,000 households can apply for the Gigabit Voucher Scheme to get fiber optic lines installed for broadband speeds of up to 1 Gbit.

Papastergiou also pre-announced a new cybersecurity agency, which trascends the basic nucleus of the civil service by bringing together some 2,000 public and private sectors agencies. This, he noted, will allow for across-the-board, unified instructions, upgrades, shared information, certifications and checks, all in view of a more secure digital ecosystem.

(Athens-Macedonian News Agency (ANA-MPA) is a Communication Supporter of the 27th Annual Economist Government Roundtable. Video statements of participants can be viewed at and at

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