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GreeceBusinessGES2023: FinMin Hatzidakis outlines six challenges for the Greek economy in 2024

GES2023: FinMin Hatzidakis outlines six challenges for the Greek economy in 2024

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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The Greek economy’s six challenges in 2024 were the focus of an address by National Economy and Finance Minister Kostis Hatzidakis at an event on Monday, although he underlined that Greece has ‘turned the page’.

Addressing the 34th Greek Economic Summit (GES2023) by the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce, Hatzidakis said the challenges were as follows:

1. Maintaining resilience, with a mix of fiscal responsibility and development prospects

2. Boosting competitiveness, as seen already in the sectors of pharmaceuticals, agrofood, and renewable energy sources, followed by accelerating the administration of justice and further upgrading public administration and the banking sector

3. Extroversion, with a goal of exports reaching 60% of GDP by 2027 and 70% of GDP by 2030; supporting businesses for green transition

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4. Restricting tax evasion; its results so far have raised revenues from short-term rentals ten-fold in the last 10 years

5. More effective use of state-owned properties, including real estate along the Greek coastline and skiing centers

6. Boosting citizens’ available income, especially before the key issue of inflation

“The plan is to make Greece resilient to crises. We will not allow progress achieved so far to go to waste,” Hatzidakis told the GES2023, which is taking place Monday and Tuesday at an Athens hotel.


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