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GreeceBusinessGreece, UAE sign memorandum for data center investments in Greece

Greece, UAE sign memorandum for data center investments in Greece

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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Greece and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) signed a memorandum of collaboration in Abu Dhabi on Thursday for the promotion of investments in digital infrastructure in Greece.

Signing the memorandum were Greek Digital Governance Minister Dimitris Papastergiou and UAE Investments Minister and CEO of ADQ, Mohamed Hassan Alsuwaidi.

The memorandum specifically foresees the construction of data denters of a maximum capacity of 500 MW, and underlines the building of relations between public and private agencies and organizations of the two countries. It also envisages the facilitation of technology exchanges and of best practices.

Investments in data centers will be combined with additional investments in over 10 submarine cables connecting critical domestic and interborder connectivity hubs between Europe, Africa, and Asia.


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