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Greek CommunityCommunity OrganizationsA DOP Virtual initiation across the Atlantic

A DOP Virtual initiation across the Atlantic

Hellenic News
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By Elena Saviolakis, DOP

WASHINGTON, DC – The Grand President of the Daughters of Penelope (DOP), a leading international service organization comprised of women of Hellenic heritage and Philhellenes, attended a successful virtual vasilopita cutting and initiation of Daughters of Penelope Athinaides Chapter No. 430 in Athens, Greece on Friday, January 22.

The virtual vasilopita cutting and initiation event was created and hosted by Daughters of Penelope Athinaides Chapter President Rena Vasilaki and the Athinaides chapter executive board including Chapter Vice President Vasiliki Kordera, Chapter Secretary Afrofite Pitsaki, and Chapter Treasurer Andriani Nouni. Members of the chapter came together over Zoom to ring in the New Year and to welcome 21 new members into the organization. Also in attendance was Grand Secretary Georgette Boulegeris, Grand Treasurer Marianthi Treppiedi, Hellas Liaison Maria Sofianou, and Executive Director Elena Saviolakis. 

Screen shot of Athinaides Members and National Officers
Photo: Elena Saviolakis

Before the initiation took place, Athinaides Chapter President Rena Vasilaki explained to the new members that to be a member of the chapter and the Daughters of Penelope, “it means to have a heart of gold, to be kind, and to be full of love. Being a member also means to care for those who are often ignored, and to be tender yet strong in order to help and empower those in need.”

Hellas Liaison Maria Sofianou stated, “I am proud of the Athinaides Chapter and all of our chapters throughout Greece for all they have done and continue to do to support those in need and to empower women. I extend my heartfelt congratulations and thanks to Chapter President Vasilaki and the Athinaides Sisters who worked tirelessly during the pandemic to fulfill the mission and goals of the order by not only bringing in new members into the organization but also to help and support their community during these difficult times.”

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Grand President Celia Kachmarski added, “I was honored and proud to attend the Athinaides Chapter initiation and to welcome new members into our beautiful and unique sisterhood. We are blessed to be able to travel the world and remain connected via online platforms during this COVID era. I commend the Athinaides Sisters on their initiation and for all they have done during the pandemic to support local hospitals and municipalities via donations of food, refrigerators, televisions, and personal protective equipment.”                                                    

The copyrights for these articles are owned by the Hellenic News of America. They may not be redistributed without the permission of the owner. The opinions expressed by our authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Hellenic News of America and its representatives.

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