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GreeceA key part of the government's political plan is to support the...

A key part of the government’s political plan is to support the younger generation, Economou says

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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“A key part of our overall political plan is to support the younger generation and the young people who have suffered severely from the effects of successive crises,” government spokesperson Yiannis Economou said on Monday during a press briefing.

He underlined that progress has been made as far as the upgrading of education is concerned and connecting this to the market, as well as in stimulating employment.
In terms of education, in particular, he stressed that “more than 16,000 new teachers, mostly young people, have already been appointed in public education. This is the first recruitment of regular staff in more than a decade. Foreign languages and skills start in kindergarten. The new school provides for modern lessons and digital equipment. Model schools and experimental schools have been doubled, vocational education has been upgraded and a bill is being promoted which is in public consultation, with the aim of upgrading higher education as well.”

He added that a number of institutional initiatives are being promoted to consolidate academic freedom and security on campus.

At the same time, the policies for stimulating employment for the whole society continue, but with emphasis on the younger generation, he said.

He stressed, once again, that “the shipment of the old tanks to Ukraine will take place after the receipt from Germany of the newer and most modern ones that will replace them. As it turns out, there is therefore absolutely no gap in the country’s defence. The allegations and accusations of those who believe that there will be a gap in the defence of the islands are therefore completely unfounded, [they are] allegations put forward by main opposition SYRIZA party.”

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With respect to Ukraine, meanwhile, the spokesperson commented: “Regarding the decisions on Ukraine, Defence Minister Panos Panagiotopoulos has requested the convening of the Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee of the Parliament, in a letter to Parliament President Konstantinos Tassoulas, in order to brief its members – and consequently the political parties – on the humanitarian and defence material sent to Ukraine, which is suffering from the Russian invasion. This update will take place next Wednesday at 10:00.


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