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Greek CommunityAHEPA's Growth Continues with Reactivation of Anchorage, Alaska Chapter

AHEPA’s Growth Continues with Reactivation of Anchorage, Alaska Chapter

Hellenic News
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ahepalogoAHEPA’s Growth Continues with Reactivation of Anchorage, Alaska Chapter


WASHINGTON – The American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA), a leading membership-based association for the nation’s three million American citizens of Greek heritage and Philhellenes, has re-established its chapter in Anchorage, Alaska, announced Supreme President Dr. John Grossomanides. Originally chartered in 1950, AHEPA officially reactivated Anchorage Chapter 379 with 17 new members on Monday, August 20, 2012.

“We are excited to reactive the Anchorage chapter,” Dr. Grossomanides said. “We have a dedicated group of Greek Americans there, and I am confident the Anchorage chapter will make immediate contributions to the community. I want to also thank the members of the Supreme Lodge who helped to reactive the chapter.”

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Supreme Vice President Anthony Kouzounis, Supreme Treasurer Anthony Drakos, Supreme Governor Nick Kavadas, and Ahepans Sammy Thomas and Ernest Pool accompanied the supreme president on the visitation to Anchorage.


AHEPA continues to grow. Dr. Grossomanides noted the recent establishment of chapters in Honolulu, Hawaii; London, England; Sofia, Bulgaria; Istanbul, Turkey; the reactivation of a chapter in Puerto Rico, and the formulation of an AHEPA District (comprised of at least three chapters) in Cyprus.

The copyrights for these articles are owned by the Hellenic News of America. They may not be redistributed without the permission of the owner. The opinions expressed by our authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Hellenic News of America and its representatives.

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