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GreeceAlexandroupolis FSRU critical to SE European security, US Amb. Pyatt tells ANA-MPA

Alexandroupolis FSRU critical to SE European security, US Amb. Pyatt tells ANA-MPA

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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The new Floating Storage & Regasification Unit (FSRU) in the city of Alexandroupolis is a project “critical to the security of all countries in Southeastern Europe,” outgoing US Ambassador to Greece Geoffrey Pyatt told Athens-Macedonian News Agency (ANA-MPA) on Tuesday.

Pyatt, whose diplomatic tenure in Greece ends in a few days, was speaking to ANA-MPA on the sidelines of the FSRU’s inauguration in the northeastern Greek city, which city he called “a geostrategic crossroads.” The American diplomat added that the FSRU has become more important since he first spoke about it in 2017, and “even more so since Russia’s invasion in Ukraine.”

Moreover, this project showcases Greece’s leadership in action, and “shows us how much the region’s energy map has changed in recent years, with Alexandroupolis having acquired a significant geostrategic role.”

Additionally, Pyatt said he feels “very proud of the role played by the US government and the US embassy in getting us here,” and he expressed confidence that when the incoming US ambassador to Greece, George Tsounis, takes office in a few days, he will “bring in the private sector’s perspective in achieving results, along with enthusiasm and commitment to everything that has been thus far achieved.”

Finally, Pyatt highlighted that this project “demonstrates how a diplomatic and political vision translates into a practical investment and progress, that will build a better future for all our citizens.

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