Wednesday, June 26, 2024

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Τhe Ministry for Economy, Infrastructure, Shipping and Tourism would like inform visitors to Greece that capital controls introduced by the Greek Government do not...

‘I Don’t Understand Tsipras’

Interview: SPIEGEL: Mr. Juncker, we would like to speak with you about friendship. Juncker: A vast topic. Go ahead. SPIEGEL: It says in the dictionary that friendship...


Πόσο θα πίστευες αν σου έλεγε κάποιος ότι τον 19ο αιώνα υπήρξε κάποιος που γεννήθηκε και μεγάλωσε στην Ελλάδα (Έλληνας) που: -        Πήρε τρία διδακτορικά...

Turkey is the bad actor on Cyprus

By Rep. Gus M. Bilirakis (R-Fla.) In “Cyprus: The volatile and oddly forgotten frozen conflict,” Mehmet Mustafaoglu demonstrates why the world has not been able...

It’s Time for Greece to Leave the Reich   By Professor Robert Zaller

Special to the Hellenic News of America Greece has just scraped together the money to make its latest, $757 million (848 million euro) payment to...

In the Name of Collective Turkish consciousness By Marcus A. Templar

In the Name of Collective Turkish Consciousness   By Marcus A. Templar   On April 24 of this year, the Turkish government and, strangely enough the Australian...

Greece and Israel: Two States at the Tipping Point   By Dr. Robert Zaller

Greece and Israel are two small modern states with ancient pasts, one at the geographical edge of Europe and the other of the West...

What is an Armenian Christian?  

On April 24, 1915, Ottoman authorities arrested 250 Armenian intellectuals and community leaders in Constantinople. They were sent to Chankri and Ayash (cities in...

Δηλώσεις Αμερικανού ΥπΕξ Κέρι και Έλληνα ΥπΕξ Κοτζιά πριν τη συνάντησή τους

Kotzias ans McKain Δηλώσεις Αμερικανού ΥπΕξ Κέρι και Έλληνα ΥπΕξ Κοτζιά πριν τη συνάντησή τους   Οι ΥπΕξ των ΗΠΑ και τις Ελλάδας προέβησαν στις ακόλουθες δηλώσεις...

AHI President Larigakis, Prime Minister Tsipras Meet In Athens

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 14, 2015—No. 17 AHI President Larigakis, Prime Minister Tsipras Meet in Athens WASHINGTON, DC— American Hellenic Institute (AHI) President Nick Larigakis recently completed...

Dear Troika: It Is Crucial That You Tailor Your Decision

  Dear Troika: It Is Crucial That You Tailor Your Decision Dear Troika*, The most consequential decision of your careers could be the pending economic assistance agreement...

Averting a European Tragedy: Why President Obama Has Gotten It Right

Given the rapidly evolving events in the burgeoning crisis involving the European Union and Greece, I thought you might be interested in my article...

Ομιλία του Υπουργού Οικονομικών Γιάννη Βαρουφάκη στη Βουλή, στη συζήτηση επί των προγραμματικών δηλώσεων της κυβέρνησης

ΡΕΠΟΡΤΑΖ ΗΛΙΑΣ ΗΛΙΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ Δευτέρα, 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2015 Ομιλία του Υπουργού Οικονομικών, Γιάνη Βαρουφάκη, στη Βουλή, στη συζήτηση επί των προγραμματικών δηλώσεων της κυβέρνησης Κυρία Πρόεδρε, κυρίες και...

BEWARE, Mr. Tsipras, BEWARE!

By Dean C. Lomis, Ph.D. The people of Hellas have spoken and they have given their trust to the rhetoric and promises of SYRIZA, wondering...

Ourania “Rainy” Papademetriou, is running for a judicial position on the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas in the May 2015 Primary

Ourania “Rainy” Papademetriou, teacher, lawyer, daughter and granddaughter of Greek immigrants and Orthodox clergy, is running for a judicial position on the Philadelphia Court...

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