After a 7-year wait, the Chilcot Report in the UK has been released in a dignified manner, which shows Democracy and Justice can work if allowed to serve the country and the people. Prosecutions are likely to start soon against politicians and those persons responsible for crimes against the nation and against humanity – no political immunity will now protect those warmongers! If found guilty they will be put behind bars, and rightly so!
Compare what happens in Cyprus and one can scream with despair seeing that Justice on the island has been manipulated to serve a flawed and a corrupt system where criminality is swept under the carpet at the expense of social justice – yet Cyprus is a EU member state!
The Mari Report for example (ordered by the president) remains hidden inside dark draws collecting dust; the Cyprus File (triggered the 1974 Turkish invasion) was never opened to learn from and prosecute individuals; the military Coup File has been kept top secret; the Milosevic money Laundering scandal; the Stock Exchange robbery where citizens lost billions to economic assassins; the Laiki corruption scandal that destroyed the Cyprus economy; the IMF/EU Troika’s Bail-in theft and a horde of other wrong-doings have eluded justice.
Why not open up those hidden Files? Why are those Files kept away from public scrutiny? What is it that consecutive governments were so afraid of? The Truth? Who are they trying to protect? Why not prosecute those white-collar criminals? Why refusing to learn the lessons form past mistakes? Why does the law protect wrongdoers responsible for the Cyprus tragedy? Above all, why not practice transparency in the name of democracy?
Sadly there is one answer; where there is no Respect for Law and Justice, there in No wrong!
Andreas C Chrysafis
July 7, 2016