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GreeceCrete; Majority of homes in earthquake-stricken regions are unsafe for habitation

Crete; Majority of homes in earthquake-stricken regions are unsafe for habitation

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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A total of 772 homes were classified as unsafe, of a total of 995 inspected by engineers in the towns hit by an earthquakes and aftershocks as of Monday, authorities said on Wednesday.

The municipalities affected include Minoa-Pediadas, Archanes-Asteroussia, Iraklio, Malevizio (all in central Crete) and the Lassithi Plain (further east).

In addition, 36 professional structures were also found to have sustained severe structural damage and to be unsafe, of a total 45. In addition, several churches and public buildings sustained damage, while 71 out of 74 storage areas and stables were classified as unsafe.
Of 18 schools inspected, 12 are in good condition and 6 are unsafe, while the Lassithi Plain Health Center was undamaged.

Aftershock measuring 4.6 on Richter scale shakes Heraklion, Crete area

An aftershock of 4.6 on the Richter scale was felt in the vicinity of Heraklion on Crete on Wednesday at 14:54. According to the Geodynamics Institute of the National Observatory of Athens, the epicentre of the quake was five kilometres west of Arkalochori.
The area has been experiencing a series of tremors after a strong earthquake on Monday.

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