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GreeceDeadline for sending off postal votes approaching in two days for voters...

Deadline for sending off postal votes approaching in two days for voters abroad

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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Greek voters abroad who have opted to participate in the elections via a postal vote have to send in the sealed envelope containing their ballot by May 28 at the latest, to ensure that it reaches its destination on time. Those resident in Greece have until June 3 if their ballot is picked up by a postal service employee or June 4 if they take in to a branch of the post office in person.

The postal votes must reach their final destination by 17:00 on Saturday, June 8. If a ballot does not get to the postal vote collection area by this time, it will be returned to the sender without being opened. In this case, as for those who do not send in their postal vote at all, the voters will have the option of voting in person at their polling station on the day of the elections but only after 11:00 in the morning.

The voters who will vote by post have been divided among 237 polling stations housed in the Peristeri exhibition centre, where all the postal votes sent from throughout the world will be collected. They will be received by a special committee, which will store them in special ballot boxes. On the day of the European elections, once the voting is concluded, the postal votes will be counted at the same time as the votes in the rest of the country.
Postal votes had been delivered to 96% of the 202,516 registered recipients on Friday, May 24, while the sealed votes of more than 60,000 voters had reached the postal vote sorting centres.


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