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Featured Greek NewsDeputy Minister Maria Kefala's Advocacy for Greek-American Relations and Epirus' Demographic Revitalization

Deputy Minister Maria Kefala’s Advocacy for Greek-American Relations and Epirus’ Demographic Revitalization

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By Fotis Kalliamakos and Paul Kotrotsios – Special to the Hellenic News of America

Deputy Minister Maria Kefala of Social Cohesion and Families recently embarked on a significant journey to New York. Her visit coincided with her participation in the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, a crucial event held at the UN headquarters in Manhattan, focusing on global women’s issues.

Before her UN commitments, Mrs. Kefala attended a poignant Divine Liturgy at the Holy Church of St. Nicholas at Ground Zero. Hosted by Archimandrite Nektarios Papazafiroplous, Chief Secretary of the Holy Archdiocese of America, the service served as a moment of reflection and solidarity.

υφυπουργός-Κοινωνικής-Συνοχής-και-Οικογένειας-Μαρία-Αλεξάνδρα-Κεφαλά-maria-alexandra-kefala-greece-paul-kotrotsiosFollowing the service, Mrs. Kefala engaged in meaningful discussions with members of the St. Nicholas community and distinguished Greek-Americans. These conversations continued over a delightful meal at the nearby Greek restaurant Skinoss, where Mrs. Kefala, who hails from Ioannina, shared insights and exchanged ideas with founder and chairman of the Hellenic News of American and fellow Epiroti, Paul Kotrotsios, and other prominent Greek-Americans. Notable attendees included Archimandrite Nektarios Papazafiroplous and Dr. Antonios Gasparis, President of the Hellenic Medical Society of New York.

υφυπουργός-Κοινωνικής-Συνοχής-και-Οικογένειας-Μαρία-Αλεξάνδρα-Κεφαλά-maria-alexandra-kefala-greece-st-nicholas-shrineDuring her visit, Mrs. Kefala addressed various health-related issues with Dr. Gasparis, leveraging her expertise as a pediatrician. Additionally, she explored the challenges facing the Greek-American community and its ties with Greece, with a particular focus on Epirus. Discussions touched upon the demographic decline in villages like Parakalamos and Pogoni, prompting considerations for regional revitalization efforts.

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In her interviews with the Hellenic News of America, Mrs. Kefala underscored the government’s commitment to demographic revitalization, emphasizing initiatives aimed at addressing entrenched societal attitudes. She highlighted recent reforms in higher education aimed at retaining Greek talent and encouraged diaspora participation in electoral processes through initiatives like postal voting.

υφυπουργός-Κοινωνικής-Συνοχής-και-Οικογένειας-Μαρία-Αλεξάνδρα-Κεφαλά-maria-alexandra-kefala-greece-paul-kotrotsiosMrs. Kefala’s visit also included a tour of the Epirotic House in Astoria, where she engaged with community leaders and celebrated Epirotic culture with local children.

To conclude her trip, Mrs. Kefala was honored at an official dinner hosted by Greece’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Ambassador George Sekeris. Joined by Consul General Constantinos Constantinou, the event underscored the importance of Greek-American collaboration on both national and international fronts.

The copyrights for these articles are owned by the Hellenic News of America. They may not be redistributed without the permission of the owner. The opinions expressed by our authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Hellenic News of America and its representatives.

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