Dear Colleagues,, Associates, and Friends
Please be informed that I will be launching, in September, the “Dr. John’s Newsletter” that will focus on activities I am involved in and most likely could be interesting and useful to you. This Newsletter will be sent out bimonthly to those that register.
Sign up for Dr. John’s Newsletter by clicking here!
In today’s technologically driven world there is access to more information than ever before, but navigating through the abundance of material available can be incredibly overwhelming and time consuming. Also Information and facts are not enough to indefinitely sustain a business. There must be knowledge. Knowledge is born when facts and information come together to create a deep understanding of an idea, concept, principle, model, or design—the type of understanding that helps the individual, company, or corporation to make decisions that produce sustainable profitable growth.
Principally the areas of activities that the Newsletter will bring to your attention will be Business / Management related Articles, Books, Video Clips, Business Related Research eReports and Webinars written by me and / or other experienced persons that relate to Business Strategy, Strategic Planning, Sustainable Growth, Competition, Business Economics, Mergers and Acquisitions, Turning Around Failing Operations, Raising Capital, Joining the Stock Market, How to Start a Business / Company, etc.
My professional career developed in ways that gave me the opportunity to attain significant experience and knowhow in the above mentioned areas of business. When I was in my mid forties, I left my executive position and bought a $3 million company, and through internal growth and related acquisitions, I built a Fortune 500 industrial group that traded in the New York Stock Exchange until we strategically sold it to a larger synergistic group.
If you like to receive this bimonthly Newsletter of mine, please register as shown below. Furthermore, if you like the idea of the Newsletter, I would appreciate it if you forward this announcement to those in your network that might benefit from it.
Sign up for Dr. John’s Newsletter by clicking here!
Thank you for registering. I am looking forward to your comments on the Newsletter and its content as we move ahead.
“Dr. John” Psarouthakis, Executive Editor, The Business Thinker