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GreeceEEA report says 95.8% of bathing waters in Greece have 'excellent quality'

EEA report says 95.8% of bathing waters in Greece have ‘excellent quality’

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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The quality of bathing water in 95.8% of bathing sites in Greece was of excellent quality, based on the latest figures released by the European Environmental Agency and the European Commission on the state of Europe’s bathing waters in 2023, which were updated on Tuesday.

The highest percentage of excellent bathing waters in the EU was in Cyprus (97.6%), Croatia (96.7%) and Austria (96/9%), according to the same report, which found that the overwhelming majority of bathing sites in Europe met the highest standards of quality in 2023. Overall, 85.4% of bathing sites were found to be of excellent quality, while 96% of officially recognised bathing sites met the minimum quality standards and only 1.5% were classified as “poor”.

The quality of the water in coastal areas is generally better than that of inland waters, with 89% of coastal bathing waters classified as ‘excellent’ compared with 79% of inland bathing waters.

Since the adoption of the Bathing Water Directive in 2006, the share of bathing waters with poor water quality has dropped and has been stable since 2015.


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