The electronic platform for registering in the postal voting lists went into operation on Monday. The activation of the platform, a few weeks after the passing of the relevant law, marks the establishment, for the first time in Greece, of postal voting as a means for facilitating voters in exercising their right to vote in the European elections and national referendums.
Postal voting is open to all Greek citizens who are registered in the electoral rolls and wish to exercise their right to vote, within or outside Greece’s territory.
It should also be noted that Greeks who live abroad can exercise their right to vote in the upcoming European elections exclusively through postal voting.
Voters within Greece enter the online application via the link and register in the special electoral lists for postal voting exclusively through taxisnet, using their personal credentials.
Greeks living abroad can enter the above application and register in one of the following ways:
Via taxisnet (provided they have login credentials).
By submitting the details of both their Greek passport and police ID card.
Submitting their both their Greek passport and municipality number.
Alternatively, voters within Greece can register in the special electoral lists for postal voting through Citizen Service Centers, while voters outside Greece can contact the relevant Greek Consular Authorities (Consulates, Embassies Consular Offices).
Within the country, postal voting is particularly helpful for elderly citizens, seasonal workers, people with disabilities and students in the midst of examination periods.