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GreeceBusinessEuropean Commission: Greece should keep implementing recovery plan consistently

European Commission: Greece should keep implementing recovery plan consistently

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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The European Commission recommended that Greece maintain its dynamic and consistent implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP), in its 2023 European Semester Country Report.

The Commission said that the RRP includes an extensive group of inter-supportive reforms and investments that will be implemented as of 2026, and that the RRP has been progressing well. It is important for the dynamic of implementation to be continued, it said.
“Whilst Greece is off to a strong start, there are substantial risks going forward, which warrant continuous efforts to maintain and enhance the implementation momentum,” the report said.

“The Plan contains a significant number of reforms and investments which by its sheer size represents a large administrative burden. At this stage, the implementation of the plan is reaching a phase that will rely on regional and local administrations, whose administrative and  implementation capacity is generally weak. The completion of a number of measures in the plan requires a series of preparatory steps, including public procurement procedures.”

It also noted that the continued implementation of the RRP depends on the administrative and executive ability of the involved agencies, including regional and local administration.
The full semester report is available at the European Commission’s site,


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