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GreeceCultureEvent in honour of Yiannis Ritsos to be held in Paris

Event in honour of Yiannis Ritsos to be held in Paris

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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An event dedicated to Yiannis Ritsos is being organized by the Hellenic Foundation of Culture (HFC) in Paris, in collaboration with the Department of Greek Studies at the Sorbonne University and the cultural organisation Delphys.

The event will be attended by the famous French-Swiss actress Irène Jacob and George Archimandritis, a PhD in Comparative Literature at the Sorbonne University, as well as an author and producer of radio and television documentaries on art and culture and a representative of the HFC in Paris.

According to an announcement, the event will begin with a lecture by Dr. Archimandritis on the play “Fourth Dimension” by Yiannis Ritsos and will be followed by a theatrical recital performed by Irène Jacob, best known for her work with Polish film director Krzysztof Kieślowski, who will perform the monologue “Helen” from the “Fourth Dimension” by Yiannis Ritsos.

The event, which will take place on Monday 16 January at 19:00, at the Richelieu amphitheater of the Sorbonne University, is being held with the support of Andreas and Alexandra Martinos, as well as the Jan Michalski Foundation.


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