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GreeceEvros border fence extension to finish within 10 months once court approves...

Evros border fence extension to finish within 10 months once court approves it, Citizen Protection min

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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The 35-kilometer extension of the border fence between Greece and Türkiye at Evros will be completed in the next 10 months, Citizen Protection Minister Takis Theodorikakos told Skai on Sunday.

The contractor for the extension has already been selected and the project will go ahead once the Court of Audit approves it, he noted.

It will cost a total of 100 million euros paid by the state budget, but EU countries “must comprehend that the borders at Evros are not just Greece’s borders, they are Europe’s borders with Türkiye,” Theodorikakos said. He expressed the hope that at least some EU member states will contribute to part of the expense.

Theodorikakos referred to the devastating earthquakes in Türkiye on February 6 and the help Greek people and the state sent, “and everyone is helping Türkiye to stand on its feet again.” However, he said, “there is a danger that this entire issue turns into new strong migratory pressure.” He asserted that the Greek borders, especially at Evros, are inviolable and “nothing can go through.”


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