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GreeceBusinessFinMin: State support to households, enterprises to exceed 10 bln euros

FinMin: State support to households, enterprises to exceed 10 bln euros

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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State financial support to Greek households and enterprises will significantly exceed 10 billion euros this year, from an initial estimate of 8.5 billion euros, Finance Minister Christos Staikouras said on Monday, adding that part of this support will be funded from the state budget while the larger part will be funded from the Energy Transition Fund.

In comments made to Alpha 98.9 radio station, Staikouras said “we must be very careful in achieving fiscal goals (a primary deficit of 2% of GDP this year and a primary surplus in 2023) because markets are very serious about it,” adding that there is limited fiscal room and high uncertainty.

The Finance Minister noted that additional fiscal room will depend on this week’s announcements of GDP, inflation and budget revenue data.


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