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GreeceBusinessFloating LNG storage unit in Revythoussa feasible and useful say DESFA sources...

Floating LNG storage unit in Revythoussa feasible and useful say DESFA sources to ANA

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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The addition of a floating LNG storage unit at the Revythoussa terminal station is both feasible and useful for ensuring security in the natural gas supply, Hellenic Gas Transmission System Operator (DESFA) sources said to the Athens-Macedonian News Agency on Friday. It was very important that this solution be implemented rapidly, they noted, as the demand for such infrastructure is high on a global basis due to the war in Ukraine.

According to a decision reached at the urgent meeting of the Crisis Management Committee of the Environment and Energy Ministry on Wednesday, DESFA must submit an initial cost/benefit analysis regarding the addition of a floating LNG unit on Friday.
As DESFA sources said, the usefulness of a floating storage unit is not restricted to improving (almost doubling) storage capacity at Revythoussa, but mainly because it will increase the flexibility of LNG supply chain. Namely, it will make it possible to receive supply ships at times when the fixed storage units are full, allowing the reception of more ships at a time when international demand for LNG cargos is high.


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