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GreeceFM Dendias: 'Turkish provocative actions have become part of our daily agenda;...

FM Dendias: ‘Turkish provocative actions have become part of our daily agenda; this attitude is not, in any way, acceptable’

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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Turkish “provocative actions are taking on new dimensions every day,” noted Foreign Affairs Minister Nikos Dendias during his briefing of the Greek Parliament’s Standing Committee on National Defense & Foreign Affairs on Wednesday.

These actions, he added, “would have been considered too graphic, animated, or even unimaginable a few years ago, but are now part of the daily agenda on the neighboring country’s behavior.”

Commenting derisively on the so-called Bahceli map, which depicts several Aegean islands and Crete as Turkish territory, Dendias said that “I will end up considering it a compliment to myself that the Greek national identity of Corfu and Paxoi is not being challenged!” The map was shown publicly by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s coalition partner and Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) leader Devlet Bahceli, who was photographed with the map during his recent visit to the offices of Grey Wolves, an affiliate faction of MHP.

These are unacceptable acts of Turkish provocation, he stressed, which “we point out to our allies,” and “we have made it absolutely clear that this behavior is not acceptable in any way”, adding that briefing Greece’s partners on these actions “is useful, so as to prevent any disillusions.”


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