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GreeceFM spokesman Papaioannou: Unprecedented increase of tension and provocative behaviour from Turkey

FM spokesman Papaioannou: Unprecedented increase of tension and provocative behaviour from Turkey

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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Foreign Ministry spokesperson Alexandros Papaioannou on Tuesday referred to an “unprecedented increase of tension and provocative behaviour from the Turkish side” during a press briefing.

“At this crucial and difficult conjucture for Europe and NATO, Turkey’s behaviour violates fundamental rules of the international law and also affects NATO’s cohesion”.

He also said that this stance is against the good neighbourhood climate that Greece is trying to create adding that Greece always supports the good relations with Turkey according to the international law.

Asked on the new package of sanctions against Russia that the EU will decide on Wednesday, Papaioannou noted that Greece aligns and implements all the sanctions co-decided in the EU context.


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