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GreeceFM: We reject the unfounded and false claims of the Turkish foreign...

FM: We reject the unfounded and false claims of the Turkish foreign ministry

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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“We reject the unfounded and false claims of the Turkish foreign ministry alleging violation of Turkish airspace by Greek fighter aircraft a few days ago,” the foreign ministry said in a statement on Saturday.

“These accusations constitute yet another attempt from the part ofTurkey to misinform and deny responsibility for its illegal and provocative actions,” it said.

“It is at least an oxymoron for a country that recently carried out 42 overflights over the Greek territory in just one day and that threatens Greece with war in violation of fundamental principles of the UN Charter to accuse Greece of provocative actions.”

“Turkey, once again, by its actions, undermines regional security and stability, as well as the cohesion of NATO at a critical juncture,” the foreign ministry concluded.


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