Greetings Friends,

A few weeks ago I met a beautiful couple, Olga and Chris Pappas who are the parents to precious 3-year-old named Thanos. After a visit to Urgent Care one evening because of a “mother’s intuition ” who noticed unusual bruising on Thanos’s legs and knew something was wrong, these humble parents were delivered the news no parent would ever want to hear… “your child has Cancer”. Their precious 3-year-old Thanos was diagnosed with ALL- Leukemia.

He has had a surgical insertion of a port placed in his chest for chemotherapy access.
He has weekly treatments, visits, and monitoring. His treatments are intensive. He is on a strict chemotherapy regimen. Children in treatment become immunosuppressed and are very susceptible to infection.

For a child like Thanos infection can be life-threatening. If he develops fevers he requires hospitalization. Thanos is expected to have a difficult 9 months and a rough 3 and a half years.

Given this sad and very difficult challenge for the Pappas family, I am asking parishioners, family and friends for any financial help we can give. Household finances, medical bills, co-payments weekly are becoming overwhelming for this family with only 1 person working at this time.

There is a gofundme link in order to collect donations for the family.

However, there is a fee from this fund according to the amount collected so please consider sending your donation to the Church as I will be sending them a donation from our Good Samaritan Fund.

Check payable to “The Good Samaritan Fund”
The Greek Orthodox Church of our Saviour
2195 Westchester Avenue
Rye, NY 10580

Anything you can give will be greatly appreciated and will help them reach their goal of $75,000 (at least for now)

Above all, please keep Thanos and his family in your holy prayers.

May the Lord hear our prayer.

Yours in the Lord,

Fr. Elias Villis

Greek Orthodox Priest serving the Church of Our Saviour in Rye, New York.