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GreeceGEETHA chief Floros meets with NATO Advisor Covington

GEETHA chief Floros meets with NATO Advisor Covington

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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Issues of common interest, with emphasis on international developments, were discussed during yesterday’s meeting of the Chief of General Staff (GEETHA), General Konstantinos Floros, with NATO Advisor for Strategic and International Affairs of the Supreme Allied Commander in Europe (SACEUR), Stephen R. Convington. The two men exchanged views on the wider security situation, current allied actions and operations, the factors of instability and potential ways to deal with them, as well as the value of partnerships.

The head of GEETHA referred extensively to the security environment of the wider Eastern Mediterranean, Middle East and North Africa region, as well as to the crucial role that Greece plays as a pillar of security, stability and peace, recalling the wide network of bilateral and multilateral cooperation, trainings and contacts with MENA countries (Middle East and North Africa). He further reiterated the country’s firm commitment to fulfilling its obligations to the Alliance both in the οperations sector and in defense spending, which traditionally exceed 2 pct of the state budget.


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