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GreeceBusinessGeorgiadis: Gov't examining an extension of the fuel pass

Georgiadis: Gov’t examining an extension of the fuel pass

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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Development and Investments Minister Adonis Georgiadis said that the government is examining the possibility of extending the fuel pass, in an interview on Friday with RealFM.

Commenting on fuel prices, he underlined that “the situation regarding fuel is very, very difficult and this is the reality. As development and investments ministry we have launched the largest investigation we can in the refineries and we are expecting the results by May 23 in order for the agency to be able to evaluate them. We are also carrying out urgent inspections on the 30 gas stations with the highest prices in Greece and we are doing the same thing with the transport companies. So, our agency is now checking the entire fuel supply chain”.

“Everything we are doing, we are rightly doing and with the greatest possible strictness in order to contain any further hike in prices. This does not mean that we will not have high prices for fuel. The price of fuel is increasing for objective reasons. It is because there is simultaneously a hike in crude oil prices, a drop in the value of the euro relative to the dollar and a lack of petrol because Russian refineries are not exporting,” Georgiadis said.


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