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GreeceBusinessGeorgiadis: The new bill addresses distortions in the labour market

Georgiadis: The new bill addresses distortions in the labour market

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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“The new labour bill, which is now in public consultation, confirms our initial commitments to achieve the following two goals: on the one hand, to increase employment and fair-paying jobs, and on the other hand, to implement new protective rules for workers, which concern both the fight against undeclared work and the defense of the right to work,” Labour Minister Adonis Georgiadis said in an interview with the Athens-Macedonian News Agency (ANA-MPA) released on Sunday.

Focusing on the main points, Georgiadis said that the full application in a flexible way of the Digital Work Card, the increase of fines for undeclared work, the possibility for an employee to work for many employers, the creation of the digital job-finding platform in private sector companies operating in Greece and the extension of the right to pay the seasonal allowance, are just some of the provisions of the bill, which create safeguards and protect the rights of employees.

Asked whether the government pre-election commitment to raise the minimum wage to 950 euros and the average wage to 1,500 euros will be implemented, he said: “As a government, our aim is to improve wages and give back to workers what they have lost as a result of the memoranda. The double increase made, a few months ago, in the minimum wage is in this direction.”


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