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Featured Greek NewsGiannis  Antetokounmpo  and  his  family  to  be  honored  at  the  30th  Anniversary  of...

Giannis  Antetokounmpo  and  his  family  to  be  honored  at  the  30th  Anniversary  of  Cosmos  FM  91.5     

Hellenic News
Hellenic News
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Anniversary  Events:    

Sunday,  June  4,  2017  


Daytime:    Adelphi  University,  Garden  City,  NY    10:30am  -­  Exhibition  Basketball  Games  with  Greek  American  Youth    

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Evening:  Terrace  on  the  Park,  Flushing  Meadows  Park,  NY    7pm    Awards  Gala    


19872017:  30  years  of  Cosmos  FM.  30  years  of  contribution  in  the  Greek-­American  Community.  
19872017:  30  years  since  the  National  Basketball  Team  of  Greece  won  the  European  Basketball  Championship.

Hellenic    Public    Radio   -­    Cosmos    FM,   is    celebrating    its    30th    anniversary    with    the    Greek  American  Community,  on  Sunday,  June  4,  2017,  in  New  York.


Our   celebrations   will   begin   with   the   “Feel   Greek”   Sports   Event   that   will   bring   together   young  Greek  Americans,  giving  them  a  chance  to  see  our  special  guests  in  action.  The  event  will  take  place  on  Sunday,  June  4th  at  10:30  a.m.  at  Adelphi  University,  where  Greek-­American  youth  of   the   New   York   Metropolitan   area   will   have   the   unique   opportunity   to   participate   in   Basketball  exhibition  games  coached  by  the  NBA  All-­Star  Player,  Giannis  Antetokounmpo  and  Liga  ACB

Basketball  player,  Thanasis  Antetokounmpo.  Additionally,  participating  will  be,  former  stars  of  the  Greek  National  Basketball  Team,  Panagiotis  Fasoulas,  representing  the  1987  championship  team  and  Michael  Kakiouzis,  representing  the  2005  championship  team.


The  celebrations  will  conclude  with  our  Awards  Gala  on  June  4,  2017  at  7:00p.m.,  at  “Terrace  on  the  Park”,  where  we  will  award  Charles  and  Veronica  Antetokounmpo  the  parents  of  the  23-­year-­old   Milwaukee   Bucks’   player   (Giannis   Antetokounpo)   for   raising   their   four   children   with  Hellenic  values,  ideals,  and  standards.  Awards  will  be  presented  as  well  to  the  rest  of  our  special  guests   who   represent   the   past,   present,   and   future   of   Greek   Basketball,   for   their   immense  contribution  to  Hellenism  and  to  sports.

Cosmos  FM  91.5  is  a  daily  bilingual  Greek  radio  station.    CosmosFM  is  proud  to  host  and  organize  this  a  sports  education  event  and  to  introduce  to  the  Greek  American  youth,  the  past,  present  and  future  of  Greek  Basketball.

The  events  will  take  place  with  the  support  of  the  Greek  National  Tourism  Organization.


Part  of  the  proceeds  will  be  donated  to  charity.    

The copyrights for these articles are owned by the Hellenic News of America. They may not be redistributed without the permission of the owner. The opinions expressed by our authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Hellenic News of America and its representatives.

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