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Greek CommunityCommunity OrganizationsGreat South Bay AHEPA Chapter 416 Holds First 2020-21 Meeting 

Great South Bay AHEPA Chapter 416 Holds First 2020-21 Meeting 

Hellenic News
Hellenic News
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By Ted Manolios

The Great South Bay, Babylon AHEPA Chapter 416, which has its base at the St. Nicholas West Babylon community located in southwest Suffolk County, Long Island, NY, held its first General Membership meeting in-person on October 19, 2020 at the beautiful, new St. Nicholas Community Center, adhering to all COVID-19 safety guidelines. Chapter President Ted Manolios opened the meeting, and parish priest Rev. Fr. Demetrios Kazakis started the meeting with a prayer for the continuing health of all the members and their families.

Among the various items discussed during the meeting was the current status of the chapter, as well as the need to plan for activities and events going forward into 2021, factoring in that during the current pandemic environment, some events may not materialize due to safety concerns. There is a hope that in the spring of 2021, the chapter can schedule its famous BBQ event, and at some point restart the mini-marathon event, well known in Suffolk County. Bro. Manolios reminded the members of its pledge to the St. Nicholas Parish, and must come up with fundraiser events to make good on its pledge.

Our Chapter was honored to have two District Officers in attendance! District 6 Governor Louis Katsos, as well as Bro. Dean Moskos, District 6 Lt. Governor. Bro. Lou Katsos thanked the chapter for the invitation and provided an update on the planned activities of District 6 and the AHEPA Hellenic Cultural Commission as part of our Bicentennial Hellenism celebration. Bro. Lou also congratulated the new 2020 chapter members, Peter Andromanakos, and Vasilios Avlonitis, and presented them with their AHEPA Membership Certificates. Finally, Bro. Dean Moskos also thanked the chapter for the invitation, and described his long friendship with Bro. Manolios with whom he served as the District Secretary in 2002-2003.

The chapter plans to hold its Election of Officers at the November meeting. For the record, the current officers are as follows: Ted Manolios, President; Anastasios Matheos, Vice President; Leonidas Moutsiakis, Secretary, and Ted Petra, Treasurer.

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Back row (left to right): George Miaris, Silvio Capoccia, Salvatore Valensisi, George Sperin, Stamatis Saridakis, President PDG Ted Manolios, AHEPA District 6 Lt. Governor Dean Moskos, AHEPA District 6 Governor Lou Katsos, Rev. Fr. Demetrios Kazakis, Peter Andromanakos, and Vasilios Avlonitis

Front row (left to right): Leonidas Moutsiakis and George Konstantinou

Photo: Lou Katsos

The copyrights for these articles are owned by the Hellenic News of America. They may not be redistributed without the permission of the owner. The opinions expressed by our authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Hellenic News of America and its representatives.

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