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GreeceBusinessGREECE: New investment tools are needed to create VC / PE Fund

GREECE: New investment tools are needed to create VC / PE Fund

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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Through the new programs of the Hellenic Development Bank Investments SA, 9 new Private Equity and Venture Capital Funds have been established during the last year and are already operating in Greece, with a total amount under capital management of over 420 million euros.

Therefore, it is necessary to design new investment tools to create PE / VC funds, as was pointed out by the participants in the meeting organized by the Hellenic Development Bank for Investments SA and the Hellenic Association of Venture Capital Companies.

The Deputy Minister of Development and Investment, Giannis Tsakiris underlined that “the strong development course of the Greek economy creates unprecedented investment opportunities”.


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