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GreeceBusinessGREECE - Private building activity up 17.4% in August

GREECE – Private building activity up 17.4% in August

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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Private building activity grew 17.4% in volume in August this year and by 16.5% in the January-August period, Hellenic Statistical Authority said on Tuesday.

More specifically, private building activity reported, 595 building permits issued representing 392,123 m2 of surface and 2,080,877 m3 of volume (down 4.3%, off 7.8% and up 17.4%, compared with August 2022, respectively).

In the 8-month period, building activity was up 9.4% in permits, 12.3% in surface and 16.5% in volume, in comparison with the January-August 2022 period.


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