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GreeceBusinessHatzidakis on Greece's rise in Economist Intelligence Unit: It is a great...

Hatzidakis on Greece’s rise in Economist Intelligence Unit: It is a great success for Greece

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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Economy and Finance Minister Kostis Hatzidakis on Thursday said that Greece’s significant improvement in Economist Intelligence Unit is the proof that that the Greek economy is moving in the right direction.

Specifically, as Hatzidakis stated, “Greece had the best performance in the Economist Intelligence Unit, according to an Economist survey that was released on Thursday. This development in another proof that our economy is moving in the right direction. The universe has not conspired in the government’s favour so that the Economist, known for its credibility, says that Greece has achieved this performance, following a series of other positive assessments”.

The Economist Intelligence Unit measures the attractiveness of the business environment in 82 countries based on 91 variables in 11 different categories (political environment, macroeconomic environment, business opportunities, free market and competition policy, foreign investment policy, foreign trade, taxes, finance, labour market, infrastructure and technological readiness).

According to the report “Greece sees the biggest improvement in the business environment in our index over this period. This reflects the impact of a pro-business goverment, led by the New Democracy party, now in it second term, that has undertaken reforms, cut taxes and boosted business confidence”.

“All these are not only the government’s success, it is Greece’s great success!” Hatzidakis concluded.

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PM’s economic adviser Patelis: Greece recorded the highest improvement in business environment

Greece recorded the higher improvement in the business environment among 82 countries according to the Economist Intelligence Unit, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ economic adviser Alexis Patelis posted on X on Thursday.

“Just in! Greece sees the biggest improvement in the business environment amongst 82 countries according to the latest Economist Intelligence Unit report,” Patelis said.
He added that this translates into a rise by 28 positions from 62 to 34 during the period of New Democracy government.


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