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GreeceHealth Min Plevris: We are entering a phase of co-existence with the...

Health Min Plevris: We are entering a phase of co-existence with the virus

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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“We are entering a new phase of the pandemic as are all the other European countries, we are entering a phase of co-existence with the virus,” stated Health Minister Thanos Plevris during a press briefing on Wednesday at the health ministry.

“The protection measures are there; we do not believe in a zero-covid policy, the figures allow us to move in a framework of co-existence with the virus. We will monitor the course of the pandemic and we will adapt accordingly,” he said, adding that the epidemiological picture justifies the new management of the pandemic.

As Plevris explained, the measures will exist but will not be obligatory: “We do not believe in a policy of zero-Covid as China does. On the contrary, we believe we can follow another model, to monitor the pandemic and adapt to it”.

The Health Minister pointed out that the epidemiological picture justifies this framework as there is a reduction in the number of deaths and intubations, as well as hospital admissions for Covid, and the numbers needing an ICU, while at the same time the economy is functioning.

We have done everything to reduce the losses, Plevris said.

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